The idea for software for creating appraisal reports came from a Collectorpro customer that was using our software for antique stores. We received a call one day back in 2003 and asked if we can modify our antique dealer software to create appraisal reports. We created our first version of Collectorpro Appraiser software in 2004 and the rest is great history. Many appraisers using Collectorpro Appraiser software tell us how much time it saved them and how they are able to grow their business.

14 day free trial available. No credit card needed. Schedule a demonstration below or contact us at 972.908.3964 or use our contact form to get started.
Easy Setup
Our team works with you to ensure your reporting platform setup goes smoothly. Once your platform in configured, we provide personalized training to get you and your team up and running quickly.
Live Training
Included with your platform subscription, we schedule and person to person training. We start with basic report creation training and follow-up with advanced training. This allows your team to focus on tasks related to valuation research and writing quality descriptions.
Total Support
All Collectorpro platform products include email and telephone support, and a customer-only searchable knowledge-base with videos and white papers. Current customers can Click here to sign up for the customers only support site.
Collectorpro Appraiser V7
Collectorpro Appraiser software is designed for appraisers and collection managers to create professional USPAP compliant appraisal reports for their clients faster than using a word processor or other tools. Collectorpro Appraiser V7 gives the user more production time by taking care of many of the tasks that are not typically billable to the buyer of the report
How does Collectorpro Appraiser V7 do this?
You can enter the object and comparable object information in a fill in the blanks manner, add any images, and with a few clicks the numbering, page formatting, table of contents, glossary, bibliography, and value total calculations are complete and ready to print or electronically send.

Features of Collectorpro Appraiser V7
- Create unlimited number of appraisal reports in a variety of formats
- Create objects and their information by filling in the blanks
- Clone an object to as many more objects as you wish
- Built in spell check with dictionary
- Enter set details for objects that are a set of items (like silverware, fine china, etc)
- Include unlimited comparables with images for each object
- Nine report formats to choose from to fit different client report requirements
- Up to five user defined valuation types per appraisal report
- Use your own, or client, numbering, or automatic object numbering
- Customize the field labels to be what you need for each appraisal report
- Define your own object categories and subcategories
- Include a USPAP Certification report section with electronic signature to insure compliance with USPAP requirements
- Include a summary values by category and subcategory
- Include a custom glossary with only the terms used in this report
- Include a custom artist/maker bio with the report
- Include a custom bibliography with the report
- Include a table of contents with the report
- Include a scope of work document in the report
- Include other appraisers with their electronic signature on the report
- Include your CV or professional profile with the report
- Attach documents at the appraisal or object level for future retention
- Easily insert your cover and addendum documents from a document library
- Automatically create your own research database of all objects ever appraised including the all comparables ever used
- Electronically sign and deliver reports electronically
- Many new fields along with new merge codes for your documents to have information integrated into cover and addendum sections
- Keep track of all related contacts for an appraisal including attorneys, shippers, division of asset parties, and more
Collectorpro Appraiser V7 Pricing
Training and support included – No long term commitment – Cancel anytime
One Time Set Up – $199
Monthly – $159 per month/user
Billed Annually – $1749 per year/user (like having one free month)
Important for Mac computers. If you have an Apple desktop or wish to use an iPad for accessing Collectorpro Appraiser V7, a cloud storage like OneDrive or Google Drive is required to synchronize image files to the cloud server. Use of a cloud storage is recommended, but not required for Windows computers. Please contact us with any questions.